Specialty Life Insurance

Certain life circumstances require a special approach to life insurance. We’ve got you covered with out-of-the-box solutions. Specialty Life Insurance requires knowledge of carriers that may cover your unusual need. No matter what your situation, Go to the Calendly.com calendar link below to schedule an appointment with an expert.

Cannabis Users

Some insurance carriers have wised up and now realize that cannabis can actually be healthy when appropriately used. Previously when THC was detected in the blood work, or the applicant admitted to using cannabis, the insurance applicant would automatically be rejected.

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Cigar Smokers

It’s expensive to get life insurance if you like smoking cigars. Ditto for pipe or chewing tobacco users. However, certain insurance companies understand that the risk of these habits are far less than inhaling cigarettes and may classify you as a non-smoker.

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Living with HIV

Now as treatment and understanding improves, some carriers are offering life insurance to certain HIV positive people. However, HIV cases are specialized very complex situations with many factors influencing eligibility for coverage.

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Living Abroad

Getting insurance coverage when you live part or most of the year outside the U.S. can be tricky, but we’ve got you covered. Under certain circumstances, you may now be eligible for life insurance.

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Foreign Nationals

As a foreign national with an established legal permanent residence in the U.S., you may now be eligible for life insurance.

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Serenity Wealth Insurance offers a variety of alternative programs for clients with special circumstances. Life insurance is not out of reach! Contact us now to find out how we can provide you with affordable insurance.

Go to the Calendly.com calendar link below to schedule an appointment with an expert, Curtis Hill. If you have any of the specialty life insurance needs listed above or similar needs let’s talk. Learn how “Not the same old advice” can benefit you.